Partial Ownership

Partial Ownership

Many of the prominent hospice brands are now including it as part of their product offering to implement more options to balance their portfolio and their overall business achievement by booming customer loyalty, bewitching new customers, boosting profitability, and augmenting year-round occupancy levels.

How it works?

In its simplest form, a luxury ownership is offered as a retreat membership in segments of ¼, 1/8, or 1/16 providing the buyers with a fixed or rotating term of annual residence and with the use of all amenities. A transaction fee is paid to acquire the fraction with an annual fee to cover the costs of maintaining the ownership and any amenities provided.

How the fraction is actually acquired can vary depending on the land’s location and the long term requirements of the builder. The most common forms include but are defines to: Holiday club enrollment, guaranteed interests and ownership in an association limited by dividends or securities.

GLOBAL INVESTMENT HOLDINGS legal structures are impeccably suited to simplify fractional ownership stocks and provide both builder and clients with a wide range of benefits.